Transition-based joint syntactic dependency parser and semantic role labeler using a stack LSTM RNN architecture.
- addf400Microsoft Research
- angel-dazaNetherlands
- calufa
- cogmetaCogmeta Intelligent Systems
- danielhersUniversity of Copenhagen
- danteGPTLeading Indicator
- donglixpMicrosoft Research
- drallensmithUnited States (of America); moving from Iowa to NH
- eaplataniosScaled Cognition
- farizikhwantriTokyo Institute of Technology
- fenss
- hongguiShanghai
- iclementine
- jmikedupont2@meta-introspector
- leiz05
- linhx13
- MingjieQian
- OlegBaskov
- roscopecoltran
- samarth1397Munich, Germany
- sibelius@woovibr
- technologicleelooking for startups
- xmzzyoPeking University
- yutarochan@IBMResearch