
createLinks without React dependency to generate links for backend

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Why it is needed?


first of all, thanks for this amazing Router that help us keeps our routes type safe ๐Ÿ’ช We also love the simplicity in it's API and how it leverage existing solution such as ts-pattern.

For our use-case, we have a monorepo (manage by Nx) and we share some code (Domain) between frontend and backend. The list of app routes are shared and we would also be able to share the generated links functions that is build by the createRouter to be able to use it in backend.

Here is an example in our user.service.ts

import { Links } from '@company/shared/domain';

    const confirmLink =
      this.environmentContext.appBaseUrl() +
      Links.ConfirmEmail({ token: `${timestamp}-${ident}-${token}` });

With this scaffolding, we have type safe links between our backend and frontend ๐ŸŽ‰.

The only issue is that createRouter is coupled with React and create a dependency to React on our backend.

Possible implementation

A possible solution could be to publish a createLinks function separately to be imported at it's own path without React dependency.

We could also publish another package to npm such as @swan-io/chicane-backend or something else.

For now, as a workaround, we created a file create-links.ts that reuse your code in our domain lib without the React dependency (no push, no useRoute hook) but we have the createURLFunctions that generates all link functions.

Also could be a good use of a monorepo with 2 libs:

  • core: contains all main functions and utils without React dependency
  • react: contains the binding with React framework and the hook useRoutes

Publish separately and @swan-io/chicane-react depends on @swan-io/chicane-core.

Happy to discuss possible solutions if you're interested in this feature :wink.

Code sample

Usage could be something like this.

import { createLinks } from '@swan-io/chicane-core';

// Search params constants
export const TOKEN_SEARCH_PARAMS = 'token';

export const routes = {
  AppArea: '/*',
  AppRoot: '/',
  // Auth
  Login: '/login?:redirect',
  ForgetPassword: '/forget-password',
  ResetPassword: `/reset-password?:${TOKEN_SEARCH_PARAMS}`,
  Register: '/register?:redirect',
  RedeemInvite: `/redeem-invite?:${TOKEN_SEARCH_PARAMS}`,
} as const;

export const Links = createLinks(routes);

I created a gist for a workaround (not really elegant but it works so far).


Hi! Instead of copying / embedding / updating a large part of this library codebase, I would simply recommend adding react (react-dom isn't needed) as a dependency on your backend.
It supports server-side, it's light and don't come with a lot of dependencies, so no big deal.

After that, declare a router file:

import { createRouter } from "@swan-io/chicane";

// Search params constants
export const TOKEN_SEARCH_PARAMS = "token";

export const routes = {
  AppArea: "/*",
  AppRoot: "/",
  // Auth
  Login: "/login?:redirect",
  ForgetPassword: "/forget-password",
  ResetPassword: `/reset-password?:${TOKEN_SEARCH_PARAMS}`,
  Register: "/register?:redirect",
  RedeemInvite: `/redeem-invite?:${TOKEN_SEARCH_PARAMS}`,
} as const;
const { useRoute, push, replace, ...createLinkFns } = createRouter(routes);
export const Links = createLinkFns; // only export links creation functions

Hey, for sure this is a solution and the workaround is clearly nor ideal or elegant. We have different backend services some on k8s other on Lambda services, ... I need to investigate what impact this could have.

IMO the best solution still is to have a core lib that is framework agnostic and binding libs. This could also enable the creation of bindings for other framework (Such as Svelte).