Update to Python3?
PredatorFeesh opened this issue · 8 comments
PredatorFeesh commented
Python2 is coming to its end of life soon, should there be an attempt to update to Python3?
rickotten commented
I think this is a good idea. I'd love to put my efforts into some modernization
PredatorFeesh commented
rickotten commented
Cool I'll check it out in the next day or two
PredatorFeesh commented
Check the Python3Update branch when you can, majority of what I'll be doing will be in there.
rickotten commented
Cool. Gonna have to check it out later this week... been a busy few days.
nishant-sethi commented
I would like to contribute to this
hanzohasashi33 commented
I would also like to contribute to this.
davidalbertonogueira commented
Guys, any update? I've been working heavily on voice interfaces (Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa), but would love to work on some text-based assistant, as it is easier to dev, test, and deploy... and this being python2 is a dealbreaker.