As a Seeker, I can share the relevant location range of my request so Providers can choose if it's relevant to them.
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Swarm City app is an interface that allows people to get goods and services in the real world. That is why sometimes it's relevant for a user to share their location range.
How it could work:
When creating a new request, the default location range is set to "worldwide". If the user specifies a smaller range, the client checks if the browser's location services are enabled.
If not, a screen appears asking the user to allow sharing of the device's location with the client, so the front-end can add the chosen geohash to the request.
What it looks like:
( > in Invision, hold shift to see clickable areas)
routes: /new-request and /location
On view /new-request (A), when the user moves the slider without the location services enabled, the view changes to /location (B).
The /location (B) contains:
- copy: "Can we ask for your location?"
- copy: "By accepting, your browser will enable location services."
- black x-mark (cancel-button)
- big white button with blue V-mark (confirm-button)
When the user taps the black X-mark (cancel-button), the process is aborted and the view changes back to /new-request, with the inputs still filled in.
When the user confirms by tapping the blue V-mark (confirm-button), the view changes back to /new-request, with the slider now fully movable. When the location remains unknown, the only option is worlwide, not specifying the location at all.
The slider determines the geo-location.
- Moving towards the globe-icon will increase the size of the area.
- Moving towards the location-icon will decrease size of the area.
When the slider has a new value of (distance), the copy above the slider changes instantly (while still sliding). The user sees the distance in a more human expression:
- “within 25m from your location”
- “within 1km from your location”
- “within 10km from your location”
- “within 100km from your location”
- “within 250km from your location”
- “within 1000km from your location”
Invisionlinks with login (for inspect mode!):
With ♡ from Swarm City