
As a Seeker I can cancel my request, so the request is no longer on the hashtag.

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In Swarm City, hashtags are marketplaces. A hashtag gives context to a SWT token transfer.

Users (Seekers) can post new requests in a hashtag, inviting other users (Providers) to reply to their requests.

How it could work:

On the detail-view of the request, the Seeker can tap the "cancel" button. This creates a transaction which the client signs, and is then sent to the API.

The hashtag contract cancelDeal function is used.

The hashtagfee is sent to the hashtagmaintainer and the request amount is sent back to the Seeker.

How the API could work:

Re-use sendSignedTx
The API receives the signed transaction and returns a transaction hash.

The API emits hashtagItemChanged event.

What it looks like:

Userflow: https://invis.io/ABGM89SX3V5#/299660913_-Hashtag--contractaddress---dealhash-_ACCOUNT_CANCEL_I
( > in Invision, hold shift to see clickable areas)


  • /hashtag/[contractadress]/[dealhash]
  • /cancel-deal-page/
  • /delete-progressing-page/

On the detail-view of an item that is still a request (before it becomes a deal) (1), the Seeker of this item sees a cancelbutton at the bottom of the page.

By tapping this cancel-button, the Seeker confirms he wants to cancel his request. The view changes to cancel-deal-page (2).

The copy on the cancel-deal-page (2) is "Cancel this request?". The small copy is "This can not be undone".

After signing through the password-unlock (2b) component, the view changes to delete-progressing-page (3).

delete-progressing-page (3) is a processing page (https://github.com/swarmcity/SwarmCityPM#26), in this case the copy on succes is "Request is canceled.".

Once enabled, tapping the white next-button will changes the view back to the hashtag-page the item was originally created.

Desktop view:

Invisionlinks with login (for inspect mode!):
mobile: https://projects.invisionapp.com/d/main#/console/13838256/299660913/inspect
desktop: https://projects.invisionapp.com/d/main#/console/14147648/299627277/inspect

Documentation / references

With ♡ from Swarm City