
More level of buttons

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently, the plugin is limited to two levels (e.g. you choose git on the top level, than diff on the second level), but it would be nice to have a third level, or maybe some recursive feature to go deeper.

My specific use case for this one is for the Laravel’s artisan console, which has so much useful commands (like 30+) than I want to split them in a third level. In order to run php artisan migrate:fresh, I’d love to to press 3 keys:

  • level 1: artisan - npm - git
  • level 2: make - migrate - clear - … and many more
  • level 3: migrate - fresh - rollback

Does someone know if it’s possible to go behind the two levels with the Electron Touch Bar?

I would love to have nested popover inside another popover for multi-level functionality.

Unfortunately, I have tried it and it doesn't work, it just crashes and jumps to the main touch bar screen. Also, I found this https://stackoverflow.com/a/44986314/2835167

I'd leave it open for any ideas and alternatives.

ntwb commented

Hey, great plugin, I spent a bit of time yesterday getting this up and running and hit this same issue, then whilst looking at how the Terminal.app supports the touchbar in #23 I noticed I could put more items in the touchbar, specifically all the VT220 F'keys, they were than "scrollable" horizontally.

So what I'm wondering is if recent updates to the touchbar API may now offer the ability to have more than the current 8 items I can add to the touchbar currently with this plugin?