
Fantastic build tool && Quick question

multiplehats opened this issue · 2 comments

First off, thanks for building this! It really saved me a lot of time.

Quick question, I'm releasing a plugin to wp.org and one of the requirements (in the plugin guidelines handbook) is that you provide unminified assets: see here

I searched but couldn't immediately find my question in any (past) issues.

How does one build for production with both .js and .min.js?

You can see Elementor is doing something similar. This is what their production build looks like.
Screenshot 2020-12-16 at 17 10 19


Thank you for your good words :)

I have never faced any such issue. The guideline says, you can link to the original repository. Maybe you can just include the source files if that is not an option.

In any case, if you can figure out and send a PR to generate .min.js and unminified files and enqueue only .min by default, we can surely merge it.

Thanks @swashata , I'm not an expert ono this, but I'll see what I can do. 👍