
Dynamic import fails when I start production builds

marcof-git opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, i have an issue when building for production with 'run build' and using dynamic import().

If I use the static import all works:
import {featureBlock} from "../../blocks/featureBlock/featureBlock";

When i try to use dynamic import and lunch 'start' livesync all works. But if i lunch 'build' for production the console print this error:
bootstrap:126 Uncaught (in promise) ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 0 failed.
(error: http://dev.palazzospinola.beniculturali.it/home/undefinedcore/feature-block-d7b74d18.js)

the dynamic import is like this:

import { scripts } from '../../../../plugins/ett-core-blocks/assets/scripts/scripts.js';


//import {featureBlock} from "../../blocks/featureBlock/featureBlock"; --> commented for the test
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  const featuredBlockDetector = document.querySelector('.feature-block');
  if (featuredBlockDetector) {
    import(/* webpackChunkName: "feature-block" */'../../blocks/featureBlock/featureBlock').then((ok)=>{
      console.log('feature block loaded');

the project is like this:

module.exports = {
  // Project Identity
  appName: 'ettCoreTheme',
files: [{
    name: 'core',
    entry: {
      theme: ['./assets/styles/main.scss', './assets/scripts/main.js']
    webpackConfig: (config, merge, appDir, isDev) => {
      let customRules = {
        plugins: [
          new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
            Popper: ['popper.js', 'default'],
          new WriteFilePlugin({
            test: /\.svg$/
        module: {
          rules: [
              test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
              use: [
                  loader: fileLoader,
                  options: getFileLoaderOptions(
      return merge(config, customRules);
  outputPath: 'dist',
  hasReact: false,
  hasSass: true,
  hasLess: false,
  hasFlow: false,
  externals: {
    jquery: 'jQuery',
  alias: undefined,
  errorOverlay: true,
  optimizeSplitChunks: true,
  watch: ['./(templates|lib)/**/*.php','./*.php'],
  packageFiles: ['inc/**', 'vendor/**', 'dist/**', '*.php', '*.md', 'readme.txt', 'languages/**', 'layouts/**', 'LICENSE', '*.css', ],

  packageDirPath: 'package',
  useBabelConfig: true,

in the babel config i put:

module.exports = function(api) {
  return {
    presets: [
      ["@babel/preset-env", {
        "useBuiltIns": "entry",
        "corejs": 3

In the php:

$enqueue = new \WPackio\Enqueue('ettCoreTheme', 'dist', '1.0.0', 'theme', __FILE__);
  $GLOBAL_ASSETS = $enqueue;
  $manifest = $enqueue->getManifest('core');
  $config = [
    'js' => true,
    'css' => true,
    'js_dep' => [],
    'css_dep' => [],
    'in_footer' => true,
    'media' => 'all',
  $assets = $enqueue->getAssets('core', 'theme', $config);

  $jses = $assets['js'];
  $csses = $assets['css'];

  foreach ($jses as $js) {
    if ($config['js']) {
      wp_enqueue_script($js['handle'], $js['url'], ['jquery_slim', 'underscore'], '1.0.0', true);

Any help? Thanks


When you create an instance of \WPackio\Enqueue it automatically hooks to WordPress (both front-end and admin) to print the needed script for things like dynamic imports to work. You can see it here


My guess is, the way you are instantiating is either after admin_print_scripts or somehow this is not fired at all.

Hey thanks for the reply.
I instantiate the scripts with:

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\assets');

and for the admin:

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\ett_enqueue_custom_admin_style');

In the usual wordpress way.
Is there any different way that i should use with your script? With a different action?

If I don't use dynamic import() all works: the dev server and the production build.

Maybe is because i put the scripts in "footer" mode or did I enter deps? See [jquery_slim and underscore]

just for learn more:
i use to put in var --
$enqueue = new \WPackio\Enqueue('ettCoreTheme', 'dist', '1.0.0', 'theme', __FILE__);
then i cycle the assets with

$assets = $enqueue->getAssets('core', 'theme', $config);
$jses = $assets['js'];
foreach ($jses as $js) {
    if ($config['js']) {
      wp_enqueue_script($js['handle'], $js['url'], ['jquery_slim', 'underscore'], '1.0.0', true);

Hey, I tried this too: but the result is the same.

in the assets function() init by the wp_enqueue_scripts action -->

$enqueue = new \WPackio\Enqueue('ettCoreTheme', 'dist', '1.0.0', 'theme', __FILE__);
$config = [
    'js' => true,
    'css' => true,
    'js_dep' => ['jquery_slim', 'underscore'],
    'css_dep' => [],
    'in_footer' => true,
    'media' => 'all',
  $enqueue->enqueue('core', 'theme', $config);

edit: just and update, I tried to put scripts in the head -> not working.
bootstrap:126 Uncaught (in promise) ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 0 failed.
(error: http://dev.palazzospinola.beniculturali.it/undefinedcore/featureBlock-7a767946.js)

I used the guide here https://wpack.io/guides/using-wpackio-enqueue/#why-call-it-early and it doesn't seem to work.
For a quick fix instead of wp_enqueue_scripts I used the wp_loaded hook and there are no errors.
But I'm not sure it's the correct way, especially for dependency management.


wp_enqueue_scripts is called after wp_head so when you instantiate WPackio\Enqueue in wp_enqueue_scripts it will fail. wp_loaded on the other hand is called before wp_head so it works just fine.

You can instantiate WPackio\Enqueue in init or wp_loaded and call $enqueue->enqueue() on wp_enqueue_scripts, that should also work.


thank you for your help, now is working fine.

function initWpPack()
add_action('init', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\initWpPack');

a Class
class Pack
  private static $assets;
  static function init()
    if (self::$assets) {
    self::$assets = new \WPackio\Enqueue('CoreTheme', 'dist', '1.0.0', 'theme', __FILE__);
  static function getPack()
    return self::$assets;

then within the wp_enqueue_scripts

$assetsQueue = Pack::getPack();
$assetsQueue->enqueue('core', 'theme', $config);