swayidle crashes screenlockers after suspend
proudhon opened this issue · 2 comments
This occurs with gtklock swaylock swaylock-effects.
this is my swayidle script:
swayidle -w \
timeout 30 '/home/[REDACTED]/gtklock/gtklock.sh' \
timeout 40 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' \
resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' \
timeout 50 'systemctl suspend' \
before-sleep '/home/[REDACTED]/gtklock/gtklock.sh'
My first approach was to create a script that would pgrep for an existing instance of the screenlocker and start it only if there isn't one - e.g. gtklock.sh:
if pgrep -x "gtklock" >/dev/null; then
echo "dummy" >/dev/null
gtklock -d
I then thought this approach would cause the crash and proceeded to simply launching the daemonized screenlockers:
swayidle -w \
timeout 30 'gtklock -d' \
timeout 40 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' \
resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' \
timeout 50 'systemctl suspend' \
before-sleep 'gtklock -d'
Both approaches result in a crash waking up from suspend.
gtklock -d; systemctl suspend
and swaylock -f; systemctl suspend
do not result in any crash.
I'm on Arch Linux and using Hyprland as wm.
Edit: wrongfully pasted two lines in the scripts
If the screen locker crashes, it's a screen locker bug, not a swayidle bug.
I can't understand the logic behind this but solved it by calling systemctl suspend
indirectly in a separate bash script.