
Open lid to trigger resume

palb91 opened this issue · 3 comments


My config is the most often an external monitor plugged on my laptop and the laptop lid closed.
The swayidle command I use is:

exec swayidle -w                                                 \
    timeout 120  'swaylock'                                      \
    timeout  20  'pgrep swaylock && swaymsg "output * dpms off"' \
         resume  'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'                    \
    before-sleep 'swaylock'

This works almost great, if the output is off since few seconds, I can just type my password or move my mouse and everything goes back normaly.

However if the output is off for more than few minutes (I don't know how long), the resume stuff is not triggered and I can't wake up my monitors. The only way I have is to open the laptop lid.


  • sway: 1:1.2-5 (Arch Linux community)
  • swayidle: 1.5-1 (Arch Linux community)

I think that the external keyboard and mouse are disabled after dpms has been triggered (It does not append when I remove the dpms timeout/resume stuff), I just don't know why and if I can prevent them to

I had a similar issue before. In my case, the issue was that swaylock was launched in non-demonized mode and that prevented resume coomand from being executed. Once I changed the swaylock command from swaylock to swaylock -f, everything went back to normal.

Thanks for your reply @ikalnytskyi.
I use swaylock with a config file where daemonize is set up, it does not seem to be the problem here.

However, I'll try swaylock without config file, directly with the flag.