
Basic examples not working

danielo515 opened this issue · 6 comments


Taking several of the basic examples and trying to run them on the online editor produces errors.
For example:

syntax let = function (ctx) {
  let ident = ctx.next().value;
  ctx.next(); // eat `=`
  let init = ctx.expand('expr').value;
  return #`
    (function (${ident}) {
      ${ctx} // <2>

let bb8 = new Droid('BB-8', 'orange');

yields the following error:

Goto  Error: Unknown object: {"value":{"token":{"type":{"klass":{"name":"String"},"name":""},"typeCode":4,"str":"BB-8","octal":null,"slice":{"text":"'BB-8'","start":229,"startLocation":{"line":12,"column":21,"filename":"","position":229},"end":235}},"bindings":{"_map":{}},"scopesets":{"all":[{"name":"outsideEdge_35"}],"phase":{"0":[{"name":"insideEdge0_36"}]}}},"type":"RawSyntax","loc":null} 

Same thing happens if I install sweet from npm and try to compile it.
I also tried to build a basic macro, but I'm only getting errors related to unknow objects to JSON.parse and that stuff.

The project seems to be a great potential, but I think it does not play well with the latest JS features like spread operator and template literals.


It looks like the arguments to Droid aren't being enforested. It will work if you wrap the constructor call in parens:

let bb8 = (new Droid('BB-8', 'orange'));

Hello @gabejohnson
Thanks for your answer.

Seems that you know how to workaround the possible problems that could emerge. Could you please help me building a very simple macro ? I just want to simulate the apply operator from haskell. So:

add $ 1 2
// becomes
add (1) (2)

I made several attempts, but none of them succeed compiling.

@danielo515 You're going to need to use the operator keyword as outlined https://www.sweetjs.org/doc/tutorial#sweet-operators

This is what I came up with

operator $ right 0 = (left, right) =>

log $ 1; // log(1);

You're not going to be able to support something like log $ 1 2 though as the second argument to $ is an already fully expanded expression. log $ 1 $ 2 should work though.

@gabejohnson "space" does not play in precedence resolution, right?

@vendethiel not certain what you mean, but the space b/w 1 2 should just result in a syntax error. But sweet resolves it by putting 2 in a separate statement.

Hello @gabejohnson ,
That's something I tried already. Since writing one dollar sing instead of two parents is less typing, the final result will be equally ugly.
This seems to be a great challenge for everything I tried so far: babel-macros, livescript, babel plugins, sweet....