
RepLib fails to build

Closed this issue · 6 comments


on hackage, and also on some of my colleagues’ machines, RepLib fails to build.

[11 of 12] Compiling Generics.RepLib.Unify ( Generics/RepLib/Unify.hs, dist/build/Generics/RepLib/Unify.o )

Generics/RepLib/Unify.hs:181:28: Not in scope: ‘runExceptT’

Generics/RepLib/Unify.hs:201:28: Not in scope: ‘runExceptT’
Failed to install RepLib-
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:

See http://hackage.haskell.org/package/RepLib- for the full report.

I just pushed (what I hope) is a fix. Can you get your colleagues to check? If this works, I'll upload to Hackage.

@lohner, can you check?

Unfortunately 68218ba doesn't fix the issue for me, as cabal install RepLib uses transformers- and mtl- on my machine.

However adding this patch seems to work:

diff --git a/RepLib/Generics/RepLib/Unify.hs b/RepLib/Generics/RepLib/Unify.hs
index f7ebc7c..b044a13 100644
--- a/RepLib/Generics/RepLib/Unify.hs
+++ b/RepLib/Generics/RepLib/Unify.hs
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ throwError :: UnifyError -> UM n a b
 throwError = throwE
 type UM n a b = ErrorT UnifyError (State (UnificationState n a)) b
+runExceptT :: ErrorT e m a -> m (Either e a)
+runExceptT = runErrorT

Ok, I've patched as above. If you can verify, I'll push a new version to hackage.

Thanks. Now everything seems to work as expected.

Thanks. New version on hackage.