
Python 3 Compatability

Opened this issue · 5 comments

We should probably convert everything to be Python 3 compatible, just to be forward looking :)

Re-emphasizing this now that we live in a post Python-2 world! We should write the clustr rewrite completely in Python 3 now that Python 2 is dead, RIP.

Now that we've closed issue #39, can I go ahead and tackle this issue. Last week I was running clustr on python 3 just fine but now that I created a new clustr environment with python 2 I'm wondering if I should jump back on to python 3 (along with updated libraries)? It seems like there's a small amount of changes that need to done on clustr.py.

Just ran the code in python 3 and it works fine.

If linmix is behaving with python3, then no reason to stay with 2. My main concern was with rpy2, but we no longer need that package since we are sticking with the Kelly method.

Okay awesome!