
Make install fails on Debian

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I fetched latest source, then did:

autoreconf -i

and all of these ran without error. Then, when I ran: sudo make install I got:

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/nmartin/Projects/ladspa/po'
/bin/sh .././mkinstalldirs /usr/local/share
/bin/sh: 0: Can't open .././mkinstalldirs
make[1]: *** [install-data-yes] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/nmartin/Projects/ladspa/po'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

When I looked in po/Makefile, I see this: MKINSTALLDIRS = $(top_builddir)/./mkinstalldirs when I think it should be: MKINSTALLDIRS = $(top_srcdir)/install-sh -d. When I changed it to that install ran fine.

I don't understand autoreconf well enough to know where to start looking to fix and submit a patch.

Also, config.log:1016 shows: MKINSTALLDIRS='$(top_builddir)/./mkinstalldirs' but there is no mkinstalldirs in the top level directory

swh commented

Ah, yeah, it's probably setup for an ancient version of auto*.

For the record, for missing mkinstalldirs I have an analysis and a proposed fix at ticket #25 now.

tresf commented

I can confirm that the project builds successfully with Debian 9.1.0 "Stretch". This bug should be closed as duplicate of #25.

Build log:

Install dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils perl libxml-perl fftw-dev libtool pkg-config gettext


autoreconf -i
make install prefix=$HOME/Desktop/swh


alias_1407.so                   karaoke_1409.so
allpass_1895.so                 latency_1914.so
amp_1181.so                     lcr_delay_1436.so
am_pitchshift_1433.so           lowpass_iir_1891.so
analogue_osc_1416.so            ls_filter_1908.so
bandpass_a_iir_1893.so          matrix_ms_st_1421.so
bandpass_iir_1892.so            matrix_spatialiser_1422.so
bode_shifter_1431.so            matrix_st_ms_1420.so
bode_shifter_cv_1432.so         mbeq_1197.so
butterworth_1902.so             mod_delay_1419.so
chebstortion_1430.so            multivoice_chorus_1201.so
comb_1190.so                    notch_iir_1894.so
comb_1887.so                    phasers_1217.so
comb_splitter_1411.so           pitch_scale_1193.so
const_1909.so                   pitch_scale_1194.so
crossover_dist_1404.so          plate_1423.so
dc_remove_1207.so               pointer_cast_1910.so
decay_1886.so                   rate_shifter_1417.so
decimator_1202.so               retro_flange_1208.so
declip_1195.so                  revdelay_1605.so
delay_1898.so                   ringmod_1188.so
delayorama_1402.so              satan_maximiser_1408.so
diode_1185.so                   sc1_1425.so
divider_1186.so                 sc2_1426.so
dj_eq_1901.so                   sc3_1427.so
dj_flanger_1438.so              sc4_1882.so
dyson_compress_1403.so          sc4m_1916.so
fad_delay_1192.so               se4_1883.so
fast_lookahead_limiter_1913.so  shaper_1187.so
flanger_1191.so                 sifter_1210.so
fm_osc_1415.so                  sin_cos_1881.so
foldover_1213.so                single_para_1203.so
foverdrive_1196.so              sinus_wavewrapper_1198.so
freq_tracker_1418.so            smooth_decimate_1414.so
gate_1410.so                    split_1406.so
giant_flange_1437.so            step_muxer_1212.so
gong_1424.so                    surround_encoder_1401.so
gong_beater_1439.so             svf_1214.so
gsm_1215.so                     tape_delay_1211.so
gverb_1216.so                   transient_1206.so
hard_limiter_1413.so            triple_para_1204.so
harmonic_gen_1220.so            valve_1209.so
hermes_filter_1200.so           valve_rect_1405.so
highpass_iir_1890.so            vocoder_1337.so
hilbert_1440.so                 vynil_1905.so
imp_1199.so                     wave_terrain_1412.so
impulse_1885.so                 xfade_1915.so
inv_1429.so                     zm1_1428.so

@tresf solution worked for me on Linux Mint 20.10 thanks!