
Buttton icon missing

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Compiling on Raspberry Pi Debian Bullseye there are no warnings during configure or compile but the button to start recording has a placeholder icon, not the application start icon.
After starting recording the icon disappears and the button collapses to a thin strip.
This makes it rather tricky to click.

swh commented

It sounds like the pixmaps directory isn't being installed into the place the code expects it to be?

Sorry, this code is ancient, and I've not used GTK in 10+ years, so I can't remember how it's supposed to work.

It looks like they should be installed in $(datadir)/timemachine/pixmaps, so maybe check the generated .h files and your filesystem to see if they line up?

Thanks for the prompt response to something you haven't looked at in a long while! I now see that the files are installed correctly but the application is not recognising the PNG file format:
Failed to load pixbuf file: pixmaps/on.png: Couldn’t recognise the image file format for file “pixmaps/on.png”
so maybe a library isn't installed. libpng-dev is installed so not sure what is missing.

I appreciate this isn't high on your priority list - it isn't really on mine but I am intrigued to see what the issue is.

GTK loads images using the gdk-pixbuf library, which has plugins for various image formats. The gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders command will show which ones are installed on your system - it should include libpixbufloader-png.so. On my Debian machine that's provided by the libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 package (same as the base library, so you should have it installed)...

gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders is not installed (or in the default path) on Debian on Raspberry Pi. I didn't find a result in apt-cache search gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders.