
How to use FFTfreqPeriod?

MimmoGhi opened this issue · 1 comments

scuasa I can't find the FFTfreqPeriod procedure in FFTSharp the development tool tells me that it doesn't exist
What can I use to replace it?

I wrote so taking a vs example

double [] paddedAudio = FftSharp.Pad.ZeroPad (AudioValues);
double [] fftMag = FftSharp.Transform.FFTpower (paddedAudio);
Array.Copy (fftMag, FftValues, fftMag.Length);

// find the frequency peak
int peakIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <fftMag.Length; i ++)
  if (fftMag [i]> fftMag [peakIndex])
  peakIndex = i;
double fftPeriod = FftSharp.Transform.FFTfreqPeriod (SampleRate, fftMag.Length);
double peakFrequency = fftPeriod * peakIndex;

I have to find the frequency to which a parsona sings
Thank you


Hi @MimmoGhi, this works for me. Where do you get stuck?

// create sample data
int sampleRate = 8000;
double[] sampleData = new double[32768];
double toneFrequency = 500;
for (int i = 0; i < sampleData.Length; i++)
    sampleData[i] = Math.Sin(i * toneFrequency / sampleRate * 2 * Math.PI);

// plot the raw data
ScottPlot.Plot plt1 = new(400, 300);
plt1.AddSignal(sampleData, sampleRate);
plt1.SetAxisLimitsX(0, .01);

// get FFT and FFT frequencies
double[] fft = FftSharp.Transform.FFTpower(sampleData);
double fftFreqPeriod = FftSharp.Transform.FFTfreqPeriod(sampleRate, fft.Length);
double fftFreqSpacing = 1.0 / fftFreqPeriod;

// plot the FFT
ScottPlot.Plot plt2 = new(400, 300);
plt2.AddSignal(fft, fftFreqSpacing);
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="fftsharp" Version="1.1.6" />
    <PackageReference Include="scottplot" Version="4.1.58" />


