
How to find peak frequency

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Thanks for the reply
you gave me some sample data but I have to replace them with real data I take the biffer that gives me back nAudio
I changed the coce like this, in the meantime I don't have to plot but find the peak frequency of the voice or song:

void WaveIn_DataAvailable (object? sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e)
     for (int i = 0; i <e.Buffer.Length / 2; i ++)
         AudioValues [i] = BitConverter.ToInt16 (e.Buffer, i * 2);

    // get FFT and FFT frequencies
    double [] paddedAudio = FftSharp.Pad.ZeroPad (AudioValues);
    double [] fft = FftSharp.Transform.FFTpower (paddedAudio);
    double fftFreqPeriod = FftSharp.Transform.FFTfreqPeriod (sampleRate, fft.Length);
    double fftFreqSpacing = 1.0 / fftFreqPeriod;

And now?


I try to find the peak frequency of the graph, if you can complete the code for me?
Help me kindly, I have little experience in the audio field. If i can


// find frequency with the highest FFT power
double peakFrequency = 0;
double peakPower = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fft.Length; i++)
    if (fft[i] > peakPower)
        peakPower = fft[i];
        peakFrequency = i * fftFreqPeriod;