
Add support for System.Numerics.Complex[]

AlexandrSpirin opened this issue · 2 comments

Why do you use your own Complex class for complex numbers, now C# has a built-in class and it looks like it can do the same thing as yours?

Hi @AlexandrSpirin, this is a good question! I think the reason I implemented my own complex number class is so it could be minimal and simple, and easily ported to other languages. Compare the complexity of these two classes:

I recognize that people who already have data in System.Numerics.Complex[] would expect a FFT library to be able to work with that standard data type. We could add support for this in a non-breaking way by overloading these two functions with essentially identical code:

/// <summary>
/// Compute the discrete Fourier Transform (in-place) using the FFT algorithm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">Data to transform in-place. Length must be a power of 2.</param>
public static void FFT(Span<Complex> buffer)
if (buffer.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Buffer must not be empty");
if (!IsPowerOfTwo(buffer.Length))
throw new ArgumentException("Buffer length must be a power of 2");
/// <summary>
/// High performance FFT function.
/// Complex input will be transformed in place.
/// Input array length must be a power of two. This length is NOT validated.
/// Running on an array with an invalid length may throw an invalid index exception.
/// </summary>
private static void FFT_WithoutChecks(Span<Complex> buffer)
for (int i = 1; i < buffer.Length; i++)
int j = BitReverse(i, buffer.Length);
if (j > i)
(buffer[j], buffer[i]) = (buffer[i], buffer[j]);
for (int i = 1; i <= buffer.Length / 2; i *= 2)
double mult1 = -Math.PI / i;
for (int j = 0; j < buffer.Length; j += (i * 2))
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
int evenI = j + k;
int oddI = j + k + i;
Complex temp = new Complex(Math.Cos(mult1 * k), Math.Sin(mult1 * k));
temp *= buffer[oddI];
buffer[oddI] = buffer[evenI] - temp;
buffer[evenI] += temp;

If you want to create a PR I would be happy to review it! Bonus points for demonstrating the new usage in the readme and in a new test. If you decide not to that's okay, I'll leave this issue open and implement this next time I work in this code base.

Thanks again for pointing this out!

Following-up, I'm moving these methods into their own static class with a simpler API that resembles Math.NET

// Apply FFT in place
System.Numerics.Complex[] samples = { /* */ };
// Get FFT from real data array
double[] samples = { /* */ };
System.Numerics.Complex[] fft = FftSharp.FFT.Forward(samples);

The Transform class will eventually be deprecated