

oliverepper opened this issue · 5 comments


Would it be possible to support a NIOTSEventloopGroup instead of the MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup for the APNSwiftConnection?


I think we might be moving towards AsyncHTTPClient which uses it's own setup, but what's the use care for it?

Well as far as I understand using NIOTSEventLoopGroup and thus NetworkFramework has better support on Apple platforms (read: more knowledge about energy efficiency measurements). So I guess one would benefit if you want to run a push-server on a non-server setup (iPhone, iPad). Not your every day use-case, for sure.

Oh. Besides that. Running my swift-grpc app on an Apple platform I already have a NIOTSEventLoop.

Interesting. I wonder if there's a way to support both. Probably

@oliverepper It looks like moving this over to AsyncHTTPClient will resolve this issue.

Closing as this fixes it, #130