
Switch over state in `HTTPConnectionPool.HTTP2StateMachine.failedToCreateNewConnection`

dnadoba opened this issue · 0 comments

Current code assumes that we are always in the running state. We therefore never transition from the shuttingDown to the shutDown state if the last connection in the pool fails.

mutating func failedToCreateNewConnection(_ error: Error, connectionID: Connection.ID) -> Action {
self.failedConsecutiveConnectionAttempts += 1
self.lastConnectFailure = error
let eventLoop = self.connections.backoffNextConnectionAttempt(connectionID)
let backoff = calculateBackoff(failedAttempt: self.failedConsecutiveConnectionAttempts)
return .init(request: .none, connection: .scheduleBackoffTimer(connectionID, backoff: backoff, on: eventLoop))

We likely need to do something similar to the HTTP1StateMachine.
mutating func failedToCreateNewConnection(_ error: Error, connectionID: Connection.ID) -> Action {
self.failedConsecutiveConnectionAttempts += 1
self.lastConnectFailure = error
switch self.lifecycleState {
case .running:
// We don't care how many waiting requests we have at this point, we will schedule a
// retry. More tasks, may appear until the backoff has completed. The final
// decision about the retry will be made in `connectionCreationBackoffDone(_:)`
let eventLoop = self.connections.backoffNextConnectionAttempt(connectionID)
let backoff = calculateBackoff(failedAttempt: self.failedConsecutiveConnectionAttempts)
return .init(
request: .none,
connection: .scheduleBackoffTimer(connectionID, backoff: backoff, on: eventLoop)
case .shuttingDown:
guard let (index, context) = self.connections.failConnection(connectionID) else {
preconditionFailure("Failed to create a connection that is unknown to us?")
return self.nextActionForFailedConnection(at: index, context: context)
case .shutDown:
preconditionFailure("The pool is already shutdown all connections must already been torn down")