- 1
Robust toolchain resolution for Code LLDB dylib
#1045 opened by cmcgee1024 - 2
Unable to Run Unit Tests
#1108 opened by leogdion - 0
Support code-workspace files
#1072 opened by award999 - 3
error: Activating Swift extension failed: Failed to find lldb-dap in Swift toolchain
#1077 opened by fearnliu - 5
[CursorAI] Activating Swift extension failed: Failed to find lldb-dap in Swift toolchain
#1069 opened by xzilja - 0
Add test coverage for toolchain selection
#1037 opened by award999 - 0
Support for iOS projects
#1090 opened by yevhen - 0
XCTest results aren't correct when you have identical XCTestSuites different test targets
#1036 opened by plemarquand - 8
Extension shows the "need to update some CodeLLDB settings" alert extremely frequently
#991 opened by NSExceptional - 0
- 2
XCTest output is not recorded when using CodeLLDB
#1100 opened by plemarquand - 1
Tests in extensions aren't listed correctly
#1106 opened by adam-fowler - 3
Forward LLDB debugger logs to an output pane
#1104 opened by tristanlabelle - 6
Windows regression in 1.11.2: Toolchain fails to be discovered if `SWIFT_TESTING_VERSION` is absent
#1096 opened by z2oh - 1
Cannot debug single XCTest in 1.11.2
#1097 opened by ahoppen - 0
Swift plugin task coverage
#1038 opened by award999 - 0
Launch Swift extension if workspace has `buildServer.json` or `compile_flags.txt`
#1087 opened by ahoppen - 2
`npm run package` is including unnecessary files
#1078 opened by adam-fowler - 1
VS Code does not show diagnostics for C files
#1028 opened by ahoppen - 1
- 2
Warning and error messages are truncated in Problems view
#1074 opened by HeMet - 1
Add test suite for debug components
#1023 opened by michael-weng - 1
launch configurations change / to \ on Windows
#958 opened by dschaefer2 - 2
No such module PackagePlugin
#1044 opened by samdeane - 0
Add keyboard shortcut to run all tests in parallel
#1064 opened by ahoppen - 0
Language status item link to Package.swift should link Package.swift being used
#1070 opened by adam-fowler - 2
Nothing happens if the user has installed a wrong python version when debugging on Windows
#1068 opened by kelteseth - 1
Print statements in swift-testing tests appear desynched from test result information
#1054 opened by plemarquand - 1
- 3
Use lldb-dap by default when using Swift 6
#1013 opened by plemarquand - 1
- 1
Coverage report should include all files under src
#1021 opened by michael-weng - 2
Add protocol stubs with quick fix
#1030 opened by ras0q - 2
Not filtering test cases when run multiple times
#1033 opened by award999 - 4
- 2
- 1
Tests in suites marked with swift-testing tag are filtered from Test Explorer
#1014 opened by plemarquand - 4
- 0
- 0
- 13
unable to debug the tests in a swift package (library not executable) on Windows
#970 opened by dave256 - 3
- 4
- 1
- 0
Remove support for legacy .swift-testing binary
#994 opened by plemarquand - 10
Unable to configure extension on NixOS
#988 opened by thomaseizinger - 1
- 3
glob 7.2.3 is deprecated
#974 opened by adam-fowler - 2
Symbol resolution and intellisense not working
#976 opened by ptoffy - 2
Unable to detect ML model in scope
#946 opened by davidalejandroaguilar