
Unusabled with typescript

RyRy79261 opened this issue · 5 comments


After manually declaring the .d.ts file to compile, the component renders a basic, type="text" input with no additional functionality

pr welcome to add the typescript definition file

There is nothing to add as the package outputs the following markup:
<input type=text /> hence the title

dont know what you mean, but you can always add type definition for the a react component to support it in typescript

@wangzuo This component is meant to create a number input, however, the only functionality being output buy this component, is a minimalistic text input, this component doesn't function or do anything or add any additional features when using via typescript.

This:: <InputNumber min={10} max={100} step={0.03} value={num} onChange={setNum} />
Outputs to this: <input type=text />

Tl;Dr: it doesn't work