
Uploading app with App Clip fails validation

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Apps that include an embedded App Clip fail to upload to App Store Connect with a validation error.

My current best guess (untested, but speculated) is that in the Xcode.ArchiveExportUpload action, the during Xcode.ExportArchive step, the signing is set to manual and provisioning profiles are provided per bundle id. The App Clip has its own bundle id and so I'm guessing it isn't getting signed. A quick fix might be to look for other embedded targets and their bundle ids and provide the same provisioning profile to sign them. That seems pretty manual though.

I'd like to get a fresh project set up that builds an iOS app that has an embedded app clip and check the build logs when the app is archived and exported. What is Xcode doing to sign the App Clip? We might just have to mimic those internal steps.

Also of note — the project that I was trying to build also includes a Safari extension. I haven't gotten past the App Clip validation error though so I'm not sure if App Store Connect would also fail the Safari extension or not — but it's worth looking into as well.