
Streaming issues when watching ConfigMaps in .allNamespaces

MyIgel opened this issue · 7 comments

When watching ConfigMaps by using .allNamespaces i see other events before the triggering one. This happens only in ConfigMaps in all namespaces, not in single namespaces or for example with deployments in all namespaces.

Tested on k8s v1.27.1
Package version 0.14.0

This is a script that i used to show the problem:

import Foundation
import SwiftkubeClient

class KubeEvent {
    let kubeClient: KubernetesClient? = KubernetesClient()

    deinit {
        try? kubeClient?.syncShutdown()

    static func main() {
        let m = KubeEvent()
        try? m.listen()


    func listen() throws {

        /// Stream all deployments in all namespaces
        /// Works
        when running
        kubectl apply -f example-1.yml
        kubectl delete -f example-1.yml

        Deployments in all namespaces: ADDED test
        Deployments in all namespaces: MODIFIED test
        Deployments in all namespaces: MODIFIED test
        Deployments in all namespaces: MODIFIED test
        Deployments in all namespaces: MODIFIED test
        Deployments in all namespaces: DELETED test
        Task {
            let task = try kubeClient!.appsV1.deployments.watch(in: .allNamespaces)
            for try await item in  task.start() {
                if let name = item.resource.name  {
                    print("Deployments in all namespaces: \(item.type.rawValue) \(name)")

        /// Stream all configmaps in one namespace
        /// Works
        Task {
            let task = try kubeClient!.configMaps.watch(in: .default)
            for try await item in  task.start() {
                if let name = item.resource.name {
                    print("Configmaps in default namespace: \(item.type.rawValue) \(name)")

        /// Stream all configmaps in all namespaces
        /// Has streaming issues
        when running
        kubectl apply -f example-2.yml
        kubectl delete -f example-2.yml

        Configmaps in default namespace: ADDED foo
        Configmaps in all namespaces: ADDED kube-proxy
        Configmaps in default namespace: DELETED foo
        Configmaps in all namespaces: ADDED kube-root-ca.crt
        Task {
            let task = try kubeClient!.configMaps.watch(in: .allNamespaces)
            for try await item in  task.start() {
                if let name = item.resource.name  {
                    /// This shows the problem
                    print("Configmaps in all namespaces: \(item.type.rawValue) \(name)")


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: test
      app: test
      name: test
        app: test
      - name: test
        image: nginx
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: foo
  namespace: test

It would be great to get some feedback if this is some problem with swiftkube or a implementation issue on my side.

@iabudiab Thanks for the beautiful implementation of CRDs. Sadly the issue from @MyIgel also includes those as well:

let gvrTenants = GroupVersionResource(group: "example.com", version: "v1", resource: "tenants")
guard let watchTenants = try client?.for(TenantResource.self, gvr: gvrTenants).watch(in: .allNamespaces) else {
            throw CRDReaderError.initialize(reason: "Watch .allNamespaces", in: gvrTenants)
let streamTenants = watchTenants.start()
for try await event in streamTenants {

I think that the root cause could be the same. Wondering why this does not happens with deployments and pods, but with ConfigMaps and CRDs.

In advanced to @MyIgel post: it is not always the case that there is 1 item before the expected one.
ADDED foo is not guaranteed in my test run. In CRDs this may come, or may not. If I add some resource there may be some outputs (4 to 7) with just some old config maps. On a clean small test cluster I can reproduce it, but on a production environment with ~40 namespaces this seams not to be so predictable.

Hope the info helps to figure it out.
Thanks a lot.

Can someone else reproduce it? By looking at the code on one side and the kubernetes event stream on the other side I am unable to explain what happens and why this happens. I see thet issue on different clusters. Looks like a Buffer Problem, but I can't find any problematic code at the first look.
Maybe @iabudiab can have a look and give us a hin?

@MyIgel @petershaw Hey there 👋

Thanks very much for the interest and for reporting bugs and contributing! Very much appreciated 🙏

The last couple of months I've had much less time than usual due to some family projects, so I've been less active here, sorry for that. However, the initial phase is almost finished and I should be getting more free time soon🤞

Back to the issue at hand:

I could reproduce (not consistently) the behavior you've described above on some clusters and now I'm trying to find / classify the underlying cause.

This "flaky" behavior is more apparent on Linux than on e.g. k3d running on Mac. If I'm not mistaken this started after updating/using k8s v1.22.x and got worse with 1.24.x

I'll report back here once I have more infos.

Wow, what a wild-goose chase this was!

This had nothing to do with k8s version or the async client etc.

The problem was in the DataStreamer#L69

-  let line = streamingBuffer.withUnsafeReadableBytes { raw in
-      raw.firstIndex(of: UInt8(0x0A))
+  let lines = streamingBuffer.withUnsafeReadableBytes { raw in
+      raw.lastIndex(of: UInt8(0x0A))

It used to read only the first line of data and would emit the next line upon receiving the next buffer. So if we had two lines in the first buffer and two in the second, then only the first line of first buffer would be emitted initially, then the second line of the first buffer would be emitted upon receiving the next one, and so on.

It happened with small ConfigMaps and small CRDs and would happen with any resources small enough to fit in one server response.

I think this should be fixed now.

@MyIgel @petershaw I would appreciate it if you could test it on your end 😉

I'll be testing further too.

Thanks a lot. Amazing work. I will test the release next week. Explanation sounds promising.

Hey @iabudiab,
sorry to bother again...
in one .namespace("test") it works perfectly. in .allNamespaces I still have the same issue with configmaps
Note: watching pods in all namespaces is working brilliant, I have only probs with configmaps.

yap. Woks fine for me, now.
Thanks a lot @iabudiab