Possible bug with inserting extra space between string literal and dot symbol
Closed this issue · 2 comments
mkowalski87 commented
Not sure if this is bug or I'm doing some not allowed operation but please take a look.
let's consider such small macro
import SwiftCompilerPlugin
import SwiftSyntax
import SwiftSyntaxBuilder
import SwiftSyntaxMacros
import SwiftDiagnostics
public struct TestMacro: PeerMacro {
public static func expansion(
of node: SwiftSyntax.AttributeSyntax,
providingPeersOf declaration: some SwiftSyntax.DeclSyntaxProtocol,
in context: some SwiftSyntaxMacros.MacroExpansionContext
) throws -> [SwiftSyntax.DeclSyntax] {
guard let declaration = declaration.as(FunctionDeclSyntax.self) else {
let body = declaration.body!.statements
return ["""
func test1() {
\(raw: body)
struct MyMacro: CompilerPlugin {
let providingMacros: [Macro.Type] = [
and when using in this example
import MyMacro
struct Struct {
func method() {
let x = 100
"Swift Macro".lowercased()
let y = 123.byteSwapped
macro is expanded to this code
func test1() {
let x = 100
"Swift Macro" .lowercased()
let y = 123.byteSwapped
There is extra space after string literal Swift Macro
and before .lowercased()
. As you can notice for int literal in next line it is working fine.
swift-syntax 509.0.2
Here is link to full macro project.
Steps to Reproduce
No response
ahoppen commented
Tracked in Apple’s issue tracker as rdar://118176218