
Binary Naming Conflict

kuhl opened this issue · 5 comments

kuhl commented

Carton is already a Perl dependency manager on Linux. I would love to do the leg work of getting the app in aptitude. I've compiled and use Carton on my Ubuntu Server. I'd like to see others have the option of building a CI system on Ubuntu to deploy Tokamak on their sites.

Swiftlet isn't taken?

I have no idea how packaging works on Ubuntu/Debian, but would it be possible to create a symlink from swift-carton to the real carton binary installed in some other folder non in PATH env? It would make sense to name the package that way too. AFAIR, Swift does this for its clang installation on some Linux distros by naming swift-clang, doesn't it?

swift-carton doesn't have to be a symlink, I guess naming the binary that way could work too.

I see there's a way to setup diversions here, could that work? https://linux.die.net/man/8/dpkg-divert

Another solution is to specify a conflict with the Perl package, as Mono people have done here mono/mono#9056 (comment)

BTW, is it an established practice to maintain Linux distro packaging scripts in a separate repository or in the main upstream source repository? I wouldn't mind keeping the packaging scripts here if that's what you prefer and what is recommended in the Linux distro packaging world.

carton is no longer a CLI command but a SwiftPM Plugin, so name conflict is no longer a problem.