Thread and RunLoopMode.common in not available on WASM
Kyle-Ye opened this issue · 1 comments
Kyle-Ye commented
Encounter some Thread
related WASM error recently.
import Foundation
// Works on Ubuntu and macOS
func performOnMainThread(_ block: @escaping () -> Void) {
if Thread.isMainThread {
} else {
RunLoop.main.perform(inModes: [.common], block: block)
ThreadUtils.swift:15:41: error: reference to member 'common' cannot be resolved without a contextual type
RunLoop.main.perform(inModes: [.common], block: block)
ThreadUtils.swift:12:8: error: cannot find 'Thread' in scope
if Thread.isMainThread {
Is this an expected behavior and #5548 already keeps track of the issue?
kateinoigakukun commented
This is expected since we don't enable any RunLoop feature at this moment. Might be unblocked after porting libdispatch with threading support.