
Cannot create a lesson using the swirlify app

mhaber opened this issue · 4 comments

The swirlify shiny app does not let me add any questions. When I launch the app with swirlify("My Lesson", "My Course") I can move through the drop down menu and go to the different tabs but when I click on the 'Add Question' action button nothing happens. In fact, none of the buttons (Select All, Select None, etc.) in the app seem to do anything. I'm working on a Windows machine and tried it with both the CRAN and the developer version of swirlify.

Hi @mhaber,

That's unusual! Are you sure you have the latest version of swirl, swirlify, and shiny? Are you using a computer that you own personally or is it a work or school computer?

Hi @seankross ,
I have the latest versions of all three packages installed and use R version 3.3.2. I tried it on both my work and my personal computer, assuming that it might have something to do with admin rights etc. I also had a colleague try it out on her computer (same workplace) and she encountered the same problem.

Hi @mhaber,

I'll check this tonight on my Windows machine to make sure this isn't some strange Windows issue.

Hi @mhaber,

There appears to be a problem in the shinyAce package which is used by swirlify. I contacted the maintainer of that package so hopefully I can get this issue resolved soon.