
How to change the label at runtime?

crystalfp opened this issue · 1 comments

I have defined menu items with a function for disabled and another for icon changing the menu entry depending on the program status. Now I want to change the menu entry label too, but seems there is no mechanism in place to to this. Is it a missing functionality or there is another method to change the label?
I'm using the 3.x branch.

Ugly workaround. Create entries with the different labels and use visible attribute to show the correct one:

				archive: {
					name: "Archive",
					callback: archiveProject,
					icon: "fa-archive",
					visible: () => status !== "ARCHIVED"
				dearchive: {
					name: "De-Archive",
					callback: deArchiveProject,
					icon: "fa-archive",
					visible: () => status === "ARCHIVED"

Using branch 3.x. Hoping in a better solution...