Naming of Catalog and Rate Classes
schmidni opened this issue · 4 comments
In the end we agreed on 3 different formats, which are loosely described in the above linked issues.
All of those formats can either be just one catalog, or a series of catalogs (which would then mostly be realizations of a forecast, but I could probably also be synthetic catalogs?).
I would like your help for the naming, lets start with the "just one catalog":
and then for forecast:
that is just one suggestion, what do you think? @lmizrahi @martahan @aronsho @adzubay
I'm not 100% sure I understant your question. there are 3 formats, are we now choosing the names for those 3 or for other things?
for "just one catalog", definitely "Catalog". A rate catalog doesn't make sense to me, a catalog is usually a collection of earthquakes. Also not sure what a binned catalog should be? binned in what way?
For the forecast, why does the word "catalog" have to be in the name? because it is a catalog-based forecast and not a rate-based forecast? I would suggest "CatalogForecast" and "RateForecast" to distinguish the two. "RateForecastCatalog" doesn't make sense to me? is it rate-based or catalog-based?
Anyways, sorry for being a bit confused, I hope my comment make some sense at least
and CatalogForecast
is the easy naming.
(and yes the Catalog
is there because its catalog based and not rate based, if we call every format just a Forecast, no matter if its binned magnitudes, GR parameters or catalogs then it doesnt work....)
As mentioned in the issue description:
the "Binned" approach is described here: #54
the "Rate" approach is described here: #55
Again, here we need a name for the observation format and a name for the forecast format.
Ok, I'll start work on this, so here is what I am going with for the moment. Open for suggestions if anybody cares:
I wont implement the binned type right away, so if anybody comes up with a better name I'm open. My Current suggestions would be: