
Reading Gauge32 type OID returns nil

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Trying to read a Gauge32 type of OID:

snmpwalk -c public -v1 .
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Gauge32: 805

When using the following code:

require 'netsnmp'

manager = "", port: 161, community: "public",
                              timeout: 30, version: "1")

value = manager.get(oid: ".")
puts "Value: [#{value}]"
puts value.inspect


I get:

$ ruby test2.rb
Value: []

Long story short, this lib didn't ship with support for all aplication types, and those will return nil. Can you add a PR for gauge support?

@HoneyryderChuck Thanks for the feedback I'll look at that over the ween-end.

No worries. For the record, I didn't interact with all kinds of application values, and I left them empty so people could contribute with their findings. You just have to figure out how to unpack it.

To what I can see in the net-snmp2 library the Gauge32 data type is the same as a TimerTick:

So I'll give that a try.