
Swift Package support

Opened this issue · 5 comments

More apps and projects are using Swift now and they prefer Swift Package as the default package manager.

Objective-C libraries make sense to support Swift Package.

Here is a simple example of package file for objc packages:

     | └–[public header files {.h}]
     └–[source files & folders {.m, etc.}]
// swift-tools-version:5.3

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyObjcLib",
    products: [
            name: "MyObjcLib",
            targets: ["MyObjcLib"]
    targets: [
            name: "MyObjcLib",
            publicHeadersPath: "include"

More complex one can be found here:

We are having compatibility issues with Carthage on the latest version of Xcode, so this enhancement is more important than ever. It would be great if this could be solved and I'm happy to help if needed. There is a PR already addressing the issue: #516

GCD SPM GIT Branch: swift-package-manager is working

Thanks @nilsnilsnils
Your branch is working perfectly

Can you please describe me how can i use alternative repository to import "GCDWebServer" in my app?
I clonned the repo SlaunchaMan/GCDWebServer to local folder, did checkout to the branch swift-package-manager . Than i clicked to add local package to my iOS app. The package is displayed as imported.
But when i try to do
import GCDWebServer
i see error
No such module 'GCDWebServer'

What is wrong? How can i start using this package in my xcode 13.2 , swift 5, ios target 15.0 app?