
Overwrite folder/file for performCOPY:

fabiosoft opened this issue · 0 comments

I'am using GCDWebDAVServer method performCOPY:, for copying files or folders.
Everything seems to work good, but when I try to overwrite a folder (already existing) setting the header field: Overwrite: T I get copy error on line: 394

if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:srcAbsolutePath toPath:dstAbsolutePath error:&error]) {
      return [GCDWebServerErrorResponse responseWithClientError:kGCDWebServerHTTPStatusCode_Forbidden underlyingError:error message:@"Failed copying \"%@\" to \"%@\"", srcRelativePath, dstRelativePath];

so it returns forbidden error.

As stated in Apple documentation

If a file with the same name already exists at dstPath, this method stops the copy attempt and returns an appropriate error.

I think before attempt the copy you should delete the destination folder if already exists, like you did for move method.

if (isMove) {
    [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:dstAbsolutePath error:NULL];
    if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:srcAbsolutePath toPath:dstAbsolutePath error:&error]) {
      return [GCDWebServerErrorResponse responseWithClientError:kGCDWebServerHTTPStatusCode_Forbidden underlyingError:error message:@"Failed copying \"%@\" to \"%@\"", srcRelativePath, dstRelativePath];
  } else {

Let me know if you have the same problem and how to solve, maybe (client side) I need to request a file delete, then retry the copy.