
TODO on the frontend component

Young-in opened this issue · 8 comments

  • Styling "SHOP NOW" button on Banner
  • Styling Filter with different colors or whatever (We may have to change our primary color in react-bootstrap)
  • Adding placeholder or label to the SignupForm
  • Resolving the problem of Footer covering the end of pages
    • image
  • Find the solution of selecting a card in ShippingForm
  • Adjust the size of an image in OrderForm
  • Styling "like" button in Post

SignupForm Done

ShippingFrom Done

OrderForm Done

Topbar Done (redux 문제 때문에 새로고침하면 userstate 가 변경 되는지 계속 로그아웃 됨)

Banner button done

filter button color changed to black.

Like Styling Done but we have to fetch like infos from DB

Footer doesn't cover page now