
DMIT2015 Section A01 in-class demos

Primary LanguageJava


In class demos for section A01

Adding Existings Projects to your private GIT repository

If you have an existing Eclipse project you like to add to your new GitHub repository:

  1. Open Eclipse and in the Project Explorer view, right-mouse click the project and delete the project but do NOT delete the contents on disk

  2. Open a Terminal and clone your remote GIT repository to your local machine:

    cd ~/git/ git clone https://github.com/DMIT-2015/dmit2015-winter2019term-exercises-yourUserName.git mv -v /home/dmit2015/eclipse-workspace/DynamicWebProject ~/git/dmit2015-winter2019term-exercises-yourName

  3. Open Eclipse and in the Project Explorer view, right-mouse click on the project and select "Team | Add To Index"

  4. In Project Explorere view, right-mouse click on the project and select "Team | Commit..."

  5. In the GIT Staging view, type in a Commit Message then click "Commit and Push..."

Merging Existings Projects to your private GIT repository

If you have an existing Eclipse project that is already using a GitHub repository:

  1. "Team | Share Project..."

  2. Click Create button. Change directory to "/home/dmit2015/git/exercises-repo". Click Finish. Click Finish.

  3. Open a Terminal and type:

    git add --all
    git commit -m "initial commit"
    git remote add origin https://github.com/DMIT-2015/dmit2015-winter2019term-exercises-yourUserName.git
    git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories
    git push --set-upstream origin master