Swup JS Plugin with GSAP 3 does not fire next() in onComplete
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The onComplete callback with the new GSAP 3 does not work as expected with Swup page transitions. It does not fire the "next" promise function in my tests.
In a simple fade transition, the fade begins (fade out), but onComplete, no callback fired.
The last event fired is swup:pageRetrievedFromCache (I am using preload plugin as well)
I have tried keeping the same syntax (TweenMax, TweenLite, TimelineMax, etc.) - since GSAP3 supports old - in addition to trying the new syntax (gsap.timeline, gsap.to, etc.). Both resulted in the same outcome.
When I revert back to TweenMax v.2.1.3, all works as expected.
Same problem here
Hi!I have the same problem too with GSAP3.
"in" work, "out" has a problem
my code here
out: (next) => { gsap.to('.paragrafo_animation_hero h1', { opacity: 0, duration: 1, y: 50, ease: 'Power2.easeInOut', onComplete: next }); }
@mikehwagz Thanks for this. Super interesting thread. I can confirm it is now working with all GSAP syntax (gsap.to, TweenMax.to, etc.)
At the time of writing, GSAP is v.3.0.4