
Discuss longpress action

Opened this issue · 2 comments

export function longpress(node: HTMLElement, duration: number): ReturnType<Action>

Creates longpress event when mousedown above duration milliseconds.

Demo: https://svelte.dev/tutorial/adding-parameters-to-actions

  import {longpress} from 'svelte-actions'

<button use:longpress={duration}
    on:longpress="{() => pressed = true}"
    on:mouseenter="{() => pressed = false}"
  >press and hold</button>
tgf9 commented

Is there a way to prevent the regular click event from firing after mouseup? Currently when you release the mouse button, this will trigger the on:click and on:longpress callbacks.

swyxio commented

hmm maybe you can use stopimmediatepropagation? https://javascript.info/bubbling-and-capturing