
implement a "Storybook" component preview system, make sure it works with most design systems

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

ak4zh commented

Should we implement skeleton instead?

skeleton looks good yes, but the intent for this section was a bit lower level - i want a "storybook" preview system to come with every swyxkit so we can develop/preview components in isolation. i was hoping for talenote to be that system, but it is not actively developed

i think since i opened this issue there are other solutions to explore as well:

i honestly havent tried them all so not sure what i would pick. let me know if you have a strong opinion, otherwise i am guessing that this is a tech choice i need to make myself

ak4zh commented

@sw-yx Ahh sorry I assumed it is about svelte component lib implementation.
I have never used StroryBook and any similar tech.
Looking forward to when it's get implemented on the repo, would be a good opportunity to finally learn one of those tech. ๐Ÿ˜„

i made https://github.com/sw-yx/sveltekit-monorepo as a standalone repo today. man the tech is a bit messy and im not sure if its ready.

ak4zh commented

Looks cool.
Reading a lot about mono and turbo repos everywhere, but I haven't tried them yet on any of my projects.

Currently, I am creating a svelte kit SaaS template https://github.com/ak4zh/sveltekit-saas-starter, may be this will be a good time to try my hands on this tech to implement a frontend app, docs app etc. all in one SaaS template.

Need to research how to convert an existing repo to a turborepo.

implemented this for now #113 but the stories arent all written yet, pending improvements in the story writing DX

@ak4zh btw i have now set it up as #157