
Melpa gets this from the Emacsorphanage now

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Melpa gets this package from here now:

This was done because of #98.

I won't be a good maintainer either as I don't even use evil. It would be great if someone who has contributed to this package before and has a track record as a responsible maintainer would volunteer to take over.

I have not yet contributed to this package but I have been a maintainer of Spacemacs for a while now and would like to get a bit more into general emacs packages anyway. So if need be I would be more than willing to jump in as a maintainer @syl20bnr.

For now I have made a fork and incorporated most of the currently open PRs. I have also made Spacemacs switch to this fork not to rely on Melpa storing an unmaintained package indefinitely.

I plan to continue working on this package anyway, but it would definitely be easier if I could directly incorporate fixes here instead of writing to my fork and referring to it in the issues, especially if new releases should be published to melpa, which I would very much prefer to directly installing from a repo.

@smile13241324 if you are interested, I can invite you to the for in the orphanage.