
Escape sequence for alternative input-method

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I am using org-mode and would like to exit from insert mode by fd while my input-method is alternative. I'v tested russian escape sequence, but it doesn't work.

How to reproduce:

  1. Set (setq-default evil-escape-key-sequence "ав")
  2. Change input-method (set-input-method) to cyrilic-jis-russian
  3. Switch to insert mode, change input method by C-\ and try to exit by pressing keys fd (it will be ав in russian)

Probably there should be a way to define unique escape sequence for each language to make in infrequent.

I have exactly the same problem.
Can't find even workaround.

I myself gived up on this idea, because I can't find conveniently key combination for russian layout.
For now I using M-\:

  ;; M-\ to escape
  (define-key evil-hybrid-state-map (kbd "M-\\") 'evil-escape)