
How do I completely disable the escape sequence for evil-escape?

vitiral opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello, my current configuration (in spacemacs) is

  (global-set-key (kbd "C-f") 'evil-escape)
  (setq-default evil-escape-key-sequence "qq")

I would like to remove the second line and completely disable the key-sequence.

I have tried "" and nil -- both of which cause problems in the command buffer, where I am getting errors like evil-escape: Error (wrong-type-argument characterp nill)

How can I completely disable evil-escape?

Actually I just realized that for some reason setting it to "qq" seems to disable it completely... that is pretty undefined behavior though!

Just uninstall the package. On spacemacs, you add it to dotspacemacs-excluded-packages

Isn't this what (setq evil-escape-inhibit t) should do?

@magthe That variable is really for temporarily disabling it. The cleanest way is to uninstall the package. There's no reason for it to be there if you're not going to use it.

Sorry, the question was really unclear. What I meant to ask was how I disable the escape sequence. qq seems to do the trick for some reason.

It should now (in the next MELPA build) be possible to set the sequence to nil to effectively disable the pre-command-hook so users can just call evil-escape function directly.