
<leader> m is undefined

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I installed this package via MELPA and put the following into my init file:

  (use-package evil-lisp-state :ensure t ;; :pin melpa-stable
      (setq evil-lisp-state-major-modes

When I am in an emacs-lisp-mode buffer and press m, emacs echos " m is undefined".

Did I do something wrong while installing?

@syl20bnr I have this issue as well. Probably it is only setup for Spacemacs?

@delexi I found out how to set it up properly thanks to Spacemacs:

(setq evil-lisp-state-global t)
(setq evil-lisp-state-leader-prefix "m")
(require 'evil-lisp-state)

Documentation should be updated.

@delexi I tried with the last use-package and <leader> m was available in emacs lisp:

(use-package evil-lisp-state
(setq evil-lisp-state-major-modes

Maybe the correct key was not yet defined in your setup when evil-lisp-state was evaluated ?

@syl20bnr I used :init now and everything works as expected!