
Sensible Defaults for INI/KeyMap

Opened this issue · 0 comments

sylikc commented

Many people are asking for a repeating list of defaults.

I may capture these in another INI file for now, but let's look into which ones we're talking about:

This post will be updated when more suggestions come up. In order to keep suggestions grouped, and orderly, if you would like to add a comment to a specific setting, find one of the issues/discussions below to comment. Please keep comments on topic.

If no other issues are open which suit your needs, please open a new issue/discussion, or start a poll, and I'll update links here to reflect it.

Ordered by most requested to lower priority

File Setting New Default Current Default Issues Comments
INI FileDisplayOrder FileName LastModDate #22 #52 Currently highlights users to the fact that LastModDate feature exists, I think if they didn't run into this 'problem' they wouldn't know about these cool features
INI ShowFullScreen false auto #101 #122 Vote for which one you would prefer at the poll here #125
KeyMap F2 Rename Show file info #120 Windows default for most apps. #120 suggested, show filename as CTRL+F2, and file info as CTRL+SHIFT+F2
KeyMap F5 Refresh
INI DefaultSelectionMode false true Only activate when CTRL+Clicking so it won't just be an annoyance when clicking on image. However, this would require a use of the keyboard as part of the UI interaction
INI FilesProcessedByWIC add *.ico; *.pic (other stuff) #115 ICO files supported by WIC only show one frame
INI IniEditor system notepad #52
KeyMap F12 Hide Title Bar Span all screens I thought about changing it when implementing
INI ExchangeXButtons false true #101 Original author set this default as, on most mice, the BACK button is easier to reach to go next

Requested but not likely

File Setting New Default Current Default Issues Comments
INI JPEGSaveQuality 100 85 #82 Saving to 100 gives users a false sense that there is no data loss. JPEG is always lossy regardless of save quality. 85 is adequate as a default and configurable for specific needs