
Add HDR support

wiketor opened this issue · 4 comments

like support for *.jxr files.
Now when I open a HDR file, it will be too dark or too bright.

Can you give an example of an HDR file? In which file format?

Can you give an example of an HDR file? In which file format?

I upload a comparison picture.
It comes from the HDR screenshot that comes with Windows.
You can use the Win + Alt + PrtSc keys to get pictures in HDR mode, and that will get a JXR file.

One more sample image, JPEG XL. It looks dark and dull on my Windows 11 system that doesn't support HDR.

Screenshot showing Thorium browser vs. JPEGView v1.2.45.0:


For comparison, following programs seems to display this sample image correctly:

  • GIMP v2.10.34
  • PhotoQt v3.4
  • Thorium Browser (thorium-win-avx2) v117.0.5938.157