
[bug] it doesn't respect the order that the folder is sorted?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

hi, is there a way to make JPEGview respect the order of how the pictures are sorted on a folder?

the default "Windows Photo" viewer does exactly that. (it adjusts based on the order that the pictures are sorted on a folder)

Hrxn commented

Well, JPEGView uses its own display order.

So, it is an implementation detail, and actually not a bug.

Just use the Context Menu, and select Display order and choose the one variant you want.

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to change this order on the fly, immediately.

Yes, and that's wonderful if you wish to sort by name or date. But what about when you want to sort by type? Let's say you have a directory filled with TIFs and you have just run a script which created JPGs from them. After that, it would be nice to be able to view only the JPGs.