
JpegView skips "Next image "

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a sequence of images in a folder, with sequential numbering in the filename, from 01_filename, 02_filename,... to 05_filename.
For some reason, when I cycle through the images and I press the right arrow to go to the next image, JpegView goes from 01 to 03, 04, 05, and then 02.

I then renamed all the files to only keep the numbers, so they now look like this: 01.png, 02.png, etc.
But JpegView still goes from 01 to 03, skipping 02 altogether.

Is there a way to force JpeView to go to the next sequential numbered image in a folder?

Hrxn commented

I think mod date is the default display order out of the box...

Right Click into JPEGView window > Display order > File name

Thanks, @Hrxn !
That worked.