
Feature request: Key for quick renaming of file

Opened this issue · 4 comments


would it be possible to add a shortcut to quickly rename the current file? Right now, one has to use the mouse to hover over the bottom part of the screen and click on the filename at the bottom to rename the file.

What I'd be suggesting is a key bind, that automatically focuses on the filename and highlights the name (w/o extension). So if one would like to rename picture.jpg into 1 picture.jpg, one would only have to press rename-button Home 1 Space and Enter.


I have this in my C:\Graphics*JPEGView\KeyMap.txt*

I think I asked for this many years ago and can't live without it.

Hello @slovuj ,

you're a lifesaver! Thank you so much. When did you request it? I went through all the documentation and issues I found, but didn't see it...

It was for the original version, not sure if the request history was carried over to the new fork. I'm a keyboard freak, and
I manage to use JpegView for hours without touching the mouse.
I wish the popup menu had the a letter of a command UNDERLINED, like it is for 90% of good software. This will make Alt+LETTER boost my speed and avoid the mouse entirely.
For example, 'C' jumps to 3 commands. I use Transform a lot, luckily, it's the only one that starts with a 'T', so I don't have to use eyes to check what I selected.

I see. Thank you for your help 🙏