
setting DefaultWindowRect=sticky saves JPEGView.ini.tpl to %APPDATA%\JPEGView\JPEGView.ini

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Setting DefaultWindowRect=sticky saves all JPEGView.ini.tpl to %APPDATA%\JPEGView\JPEGView.ini

This has the side effect that all settings from the "original" (in exe folder) JPEGView.ini are "lost" (not loaded), and all following edits to JPEGView.ini in exe folder are not considered.

Also, JPEGView.ini.tpl seems not up-to-date with JPEGView.ini (example: CropWithoutPromptLosslessJPEG vs TrimWithoutPromptLosslessJPEG), so the JPEGView.ini saved in AppData is not "correct".

Maybe setting DefaultWindowRect=sticky should only save StickyWindowRect= in AppData, or better this StickyWindowRect= setting should be in a separate file.