Light-Weight Semantic Segmentation Network for UAV Remote Sensing Images


  • This repo introduces a light-weight semantic segmentation network for UAV Remote Sensing Images

  • The network only requires 9M parameters

  • The experiments on the ISPRS Vaihingen dataset, UAVid dataset and UDD6 dataset had verify the effectiveness of it.


Runtime environment

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • PyTorch 1.6.0
  • CUDA10.1+
  • Nvidia GTX2080Ti


  • All the models involved in models/

  • Under the condition of the image size is 512x512, the performances of our models on the Vaihingen dataset are as follows:

    Model mF1 mIoU OA Params(M)
    LWN 86.79 77.11 88.27 9
    LWN-A 87.62 78.38 88.85 15


    Model mIoU OA Params(M)
    LWN 67.82 87.13 9
    LWN-A 69.02 87.66 15


    Model mF1 mIoU OA Params(M)
    LWN 86.19 76.78 88.75 9
    LWN-A 86.79 77.19 88.93 15


  • It is recommended to make a new dir named data and save or link the dataset under it.

  • Images and labels are recommended to crop to 512*512

  • Then prepare the data as follows:

  • data/uavid
    |-- train
    |   |-- image
    |   |   |-- seq1_000000.png
    |   |   |-- ...
    |   |-- label
    |   |   |-- seq1_000000.png
    |   |   |-- ...
    |-- val
    |   |-- image
    |   |   |-- seq16_000000.png
    |   |   |-- ...
    |   |-- label
    |   |   |-- seq16_000000.png
    |   |   |-- ...
  • Then set the parameters for training phase, such as dataset, model_type , data_root and learning rateon config.ini.

  • python main.py