
Chrome Tab modifier for "built-in" Tabs (e.g.chrome://history)

winkle28 opened this issue · 2 comments

Unfortunately it ist not possible to change the adressbar-icons from "internal" Chrome-Adresses like

Do you know how this can be achieved or do you plan a future version to make it possible ?

Maybe you know where Chrome stores the graphic data for those "default Icons" (like the clock icon from the history tab) ?

Hi @winkle28,

As I know you can't inject any content script in chrome://* tabs. Ref. #11. So it's a Chrome restriction.

I don't know where Chrome stores these icons, I've spent many times to find this one.


Has there been an update on this functionality on Google's end perhaps?

I currently use "FVD Speed Dial" to customize my new tab (chrome://newtab) and they are able to change the tab name (ie here).

I see that their extension has a permission called "Replace the page you see when opening a new tab" so it might be only applicable to the "newtab" and not the other "chrome://" paths.